Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Another great day at camp! I learned a great deal about digital cameras and other little tips that will make my life much easier. Thanks, Marilyn, for your patience and step-by-step help! My web page is coming along nicely. I just can't think of a catchy title for it. Have a good night, we'll see you all tomorrow!


sheree said...

Today was a frustrating day since I had difficulty with my personal machine. It was not allowing me to upload programs. :( One the bright side :) I nearly finished my lesson plan which I will be using Intel visual ranking with my Lost on the Moon assignment where students have several survival items and must rank them to survive. I got many more ideas for projects (probably too many). I would like to either find or make a Google Earth tour of the capitals of Canada. I found photostory and will probably use it to make a year long slide show for the students and parents and also smaller ones for field trips. I will use the peakovers for writing assignments. I was able to finish one for the first day of school where students will write about their summer.

Eileen said...

Yikes! I can fly on a carpet....I did this today during the video class with Catlyn. We learned a lot and we got to play with Phot Elements. The great part is I actually created a short movie, despite some technical problems.

Elizabeth Loyselle said...

I learned a lot today. Google earth was very cool. I want to create a tour of composer birth places. I learned how to make a movie. Lots of work but very fun. I am working on a movie for my students as a demo. Looking forward to tomorrow.